DC Accountability Scores Dashboard


The top half of the dashboard displays overall school ratings, and the bottom half of the dashboard shows school results by rating sub scores that comprise the overall rating. Our default sub score view is set to "economically disadvantaged students" (in elementary school) as the performance and improvement of those students is central to our mission. Subgroup scores are broken down by grade band — elementary (ES), middle (MS), and high (HS). You may select one or more schools to highlight by using CTRL+Click. Thank you to OSSE for making the raw data available to power this dashboard.

In 2022-23, OSSE published school accountability scores on the DC School Report Card based on a new rating formula which places more emphasis on student growth and progress and greater weight on the performance of priority student groups like economically disadvantaged students, students with disabilities, English learners, and students of color.


DC NAEP Dashboard


DC Report Card Metrics Dashboard