To understand if our strategies are happening, working, and moving the needle for students, we need to monitor different metrics at every step.


Strategy Bank

Creating action plans is a critical step in using data to drive outcomes. However, teams reviewing data typically have very little time to create strong action plans at the end of data meetings. At the same time, many schools use similar strategies to combat the deep-seated problems we face in education. A strategy bank is a brief overview of many strategies you can use for easy reference. It is an effort to think through common strategies BEFORE the meeting so that when it comes time to action plan, leaders can focus on what matters most – making their strategies work in their own context, with their team. It is not a handbook for any one strategy nor a complete list of strategies.

Creating Strategy Metrics

Developing ways to measure improvement often takes a lot of time and effort. Find out how EmpowerK12 helps schools implement a strong measurement plan using a low-lift, three-step toolkit. See the summary poster and follow the worksheet links below to learn how you can quickly create improvement metrics in three simple steps.

Sample Metrics

Below are sample metrics for some of the most common school strategies in the EK12 school district partner portfolio. We provide different recommended metrics that can help leaders assess whether the strategy is happening, working, and moving the needle on performance.

  • Happening

    We are having small group instruction

    • % of students in a need-based small group

    • % of small groups that meet as scheduled

    …that is high quality

    • % of lessons that achieve proficiency on observation rubric (both by observer and through self-reflection)


    Students are learning

    • % of students achieving small-group learning targets (disaggregated by subgroup)

    Small groups are consistently moving students

    • % small groups w/ X% of students meeting learning targets

    Moving the Needle

    Students are growing towards proficiency

    • % of students meeting stretch growth or scoring above 60th percentile (disaggregated by subgroup)

  • Happening

    Students are getting opportunities to be active participants in their learning

    • % of students getting X at bats per lesson

    • % of time that students are talking and sharing during lessons

    Teachers are trying out new methods to engage students in rigorous instruction

    • % of teachers trying and tracking ideas from resources

    Teams are tracking and spreading lessons learned

    • % of teams analyzing data on trials and sharing lessons learned


    Students are grappling with material and leading discourse

    • % of lessons proficient on rigor observational rubric

    Students are more engaged in class

    • % of lessons proficient on engagement observational rubric

    Moving the Needle

    Students are growing towards proficiency

    • % of students meeting stretch growth or scoring above 60th percentile (disaggregated by subgroup)

    Students are attending school

    • % students attending more than 90% of days (disaggregated by subgroup)

  • Happening

    Students are placed in appropriate interventions

    • % of students in need of Tier 2 and 3 interventions receiving the interventions best suited to their needs

    Interventions are delivered with fidelity

    • % of intervention sessions meeting fidelity benchmark as observed on walkthroughs

    Student intervention plans are updated as their needs change

    • % of students reviewed w/ full data during progress monitoring meetings


    Students are meeting their intervention goals

    • % of students meeting intervention goals by subgroup

    Moving the Needle

    Students are growing towards proficiency

    • % of students meeting stretch growth or scoring above 60th percentile (disaggregated by subgroup)

  • Happening

    Teachers have content knowledge related to differentiating instruction

    • % of teachers trained & passed exit ticket(s)

    • % of teachers in survey who agree that they feel confident in differentiating instruction

    Students are receiving differentiated instruction

    • % of teachers that achieve proficiency on observation rubric


    Students are meeting their Tier 1 goals

    • % of students meeting Tier 1 learning targets from Tier 1 classroom instruction

    Moving the Needle

    Students are growing towards proficiency

    • % of students meeting stretch growth or scoring above 60th percentile (disaggregated by subgroup)

  • Happening

    Students and staff understand school-wide expectations and procedures for discouraging unwanted behavior

    • % of staff trained & passed exit ticket(s)

    • % of students and staff who agree that school-wide behavior expectations are clear

    Staff are implementing procedures

    • % of admin walkthroughs with proficient behavior procedure score


    Students are supported in their Tier 1 classrooms

    • % of students receiving referrals for out-of-classroom support

    • % of students being referred for Tier 2 and Tier 3 behavior or social-emotional interventions

    Moving the Needle

    School environment is safe and joyous

    • % of students who agree that they are safe at school

    • % of students who agree that they enjoy school

    • School environment rated proficient or above on school review rubric by external observers

  • Happening

    Staff have the right skills and mindsets

    • % of teachers trained & passed exit ticket

    • % of teacher check-ins where supervisor discussed specific strengths & areas of improvement and supported teacher to develop data meeting skills

    High quality meetings are happening

    • % of scheduled data meetings that take place

    • % of meetings that meet quality threshold according to Relay GSE rubric


    Teachers believe the meetings are important and that they can successfully participate

    • % of teachers agreeing with the above statement

    Students reach proficiency on key standards

    • Change in % proficient after reteach lesson

    • % of students proficient on data-meeting standards

    Moving the Needle

    Students are growing towards proficiency

    • % of students meeting stretch growth or scoring above 60th percentile (disaggregated by subgroup)

  • Happening

    Teachers are receiving regular observation and coaching

    • % of observations and coaching meetings held according to schedule

    Observation and feedback meetings are aligned to larger goals

    • % of meetings that score proficient on coaching rubric


    Teachers feel supported

    • % of teachers who agree that the support they receive is helping them grow as an educator

    Coaching is supporting teachers to make progress

    • % of teachers who successfully master action steps and move to new action steps according to scope and sequence

    Moving the Needle

    Students are growing towards proficiency

    • % of students meeting stretch growth or scoring above 60th percentile (disaggregated by subgroup)

    Teachers are improving their practice

    • % of teachers who are scoring proficient on observation rubric

Let’s Start a Conversation

When you’re ready to begin your data-driven journey, our team of data experts is here to help you turn insight into action. Contact us today to be connected with our team and get started.