Bold Performance Schools, honored annually, exceed expectations with achievement rates significantly above school serving similarly high populations of priority student groups.
2024 DC Bold Performance Schools
EmpowerK12 believes that DC can be the first urban city to close performance gaps this decade when schools take bold action to serve their students furthest from opportunity.
The DC Bold Schools initiative analyzes qualitative and quantitative data in education using rigorous scientific methodologies to help policymakers, advocates, school leaders, and community members understand learning outcomes and create change.
Visit the full site to learn more about EK12’s mission and work with schools and systems to support data needs—including data analysis for teachers, data analysis in education, and research and evaluation—with a goal to improve student learning outcomes in DC.
What the Bold Schools Do
We met with leadership teams, teachers, and students from the 2024 Bold Performance schools and asked them what the root causes of their incredible success are. These short videos cover two big themes of building community and going the extra mile. Read the full brief about this year’s schools and their promising practices.
Bold Performance School Awards
At EK12, we fundamentally believe that DC has some of the best schools in the nation, proving that all students can achieve no matter what!
The 2024 Bold Performance Awards honored DC Public Schools and DC public charter schools whose students exceeded expectations on the state assessments in reading and math this past spring, exceeding the average performance of similar schools pre-pandemic.
Sector leaders and elected officials joined us to honor teachers and leaders from this year’s recognized school. Hosted at Arena Stage the from 2:00-4:00 p.m. on November 13, EK12 also premiered three short, inspirational films about this year’s boldest schools.
Your sponsorship of the Bold Performance Awards allows us to continue our important work supporting schools to accelerate outcomes with well-designed implementation strategies and data-drive continuous improvement.
Become a 2025 sponsor of the best fall school celebration event today!
INNOVATOR – $15,000
8 invitations to the VIP reception
Notation on screen and in program booklet
Named Bold Performance Award
2 invitations to exclusive breakfast event with Bold Performance school leaders this winter
Inclusion on DC Bold Schools website and in thank you emails and social media
4 invitations to the VIP reception
Notation on screen and in program booklet
1 invitation to exclusive breakfast event with Bold Performance school leaders this winter
Inclusion on DC Bold Schools website and in thank you emails and social media
CATALYST – $2,500
2 invitations to the VIP reception
Notation on screen and in program booklet
Inclusion on DC Bold Schools website and in thank you emails and social media
Make your sponsorship today using the electronic Donorbox payment former below. Checks can be mailed to EmpowerK12, 800 Maine Ave SW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20024. Just let Josh or someone at EK12 know your check is on the way!