The Bold Improvement Portal provides educators with early success and warning insights through robust and reliable predictive analytics to identify patterns, proactively address student needs, and measure their strategies' real-time impact.
Predictive Analytics
Our approach provides a view of the whole child with a focus on three key areas. The results help leaders identify successes and challenges reliably and early.
Growth in Math and Reading
Early in the school year, EK12's data dashboards show whether students are on track to meet or exceed expected levels in math and reading on year-end assessments. Monthly updates allow teachers to gauge their progress and identify those needing additional support to reach proficiency. School leaders utilize the data to assess progress and effectiveness of strategies during winter budget season, making better data-driven decisions in absence of end-of-year assessment data.
Student Engagement and Attendance
Our analytics models consider factors like attendance and student engagement, which are often indicators of student success. By flagging potential chronic absenteeism early, educators can provide appropriate support and track the success of strategies for improving student engagement in learning. The models have historically accurately identified more than 85% of students who will meet chronic absenteeism thresholds in September.
Path to Graduation and College/Career Readiness
Using a combination of historical data, learning outcomes, and other factors, the data dashboards provide a clear picture of whether students are on track to graduate and succeed in their college careers. High school leaders utilize our tools to plan for additional supports for incoming 9th graders and monitor effectiveness of those supports during the crucial first semester of their high school career.
Evaluative Analytics + Generative AI = Bold Improvement
Today’s AI tools have the power to increase educators' access to evidenced-based instructional strategies that accelerate outcomes for their students. EK12 partners with innovative district leaders interested in utilizing robust evaluative analytics and a generative AI interface that allows educators to investigate program effectiveness through natural language questions.
We are working on a new initiative to develop a tool that provides school leaders and teachers access to sophisticated statistical analyses of intervention effectiveness without requiring technical expertise. Through natural language processing, educators can ask questions like "How effective was our new reading curriculum for multilingual learners?" or "Which of our Tier 2 math interventions show the strongest results for students with IEPs?" Underneath the hood, the system analyzes multiple data points, controlling for external factors using scientifically acceptable methodologies, to provide actionable insights about program impact, including statistical significance and effect size.
Interested in joining our evaluative analytics AI pilot? Reach out to us below!
Let’s Start a Conversation
When you’re ready to begin your data-driven journey, our team of data experts is here to help you turn insight into action. Contact us today to be connected with our team and get started.