Explore the latest data by student group to better understand what supports different students and school that serve them need to thrive in the coming school years. Expand the headers below for more detail about each recovery metric.

LAST UPDATE: December 2024 with data from the DC School Report Card, including high school graduation, chronic absenteeism, science proficiency, and academic growth data in math and reading.

This student group version of our DC Education Recovery Dashboard contains a few key metric differences based on OSSE’s publicly available datasets (see full details below). Another important note is that data shown for all metrics except enrollment reflects an unweighted average of school data. Our preference is to use weighted averages so that small schools do not overly influence ward averages. However, for several key data points, OSSE does not provide or has suppressed n-size information. Therefore, we utilize straight averages for all metrics.

Select a student group of interest using the dropdown in the first dark blue box in the dashboard below.

Student Group Recovery Dashboard

How are DC’s students doing?


Student Achievement on CAPE/PARCC

Students in grades 3-8 and once in high school participate in the state assessment, currently the CAPE test, in math and reading. These graphs show the percent of students meeting or exceeding expectations (level 4+). The data for 2021-22 can be found on OSSE’s PARCC results page.


Student Growth on LEA Benchmark Assessments

This metric shows the average fall-to-spring math and reading growth percentile for students who took the MAP and iReady computer-adaptive benchmark assessment in grades K-8. Many, but not all, students participate in one of the assessments. In some wards, too few schools participated in these assessments, so we suppressed ward level calculations. More information in our Research section.


Chronic Absenteeism

This metric shows the percent of students who attend less than 90% of school, missing more than one day of school every two weeks on average. Research proves the value of instructional hours received and the negative impact of not attending school regularly. Data from the DC School Report Card and historical OSSE 2020-21 Attendance Report.


4-Year High School Graduation Rate

This metric shows the 4-year adjusted cohort graduation rate for DC high schools. Data source is OSSE Data and Reports.


How is DC’s education system doing by student group?


Public School Enrollment

This metric shows the total public school enrollment in DCPS and DC Public Charter Schools, including pre-kindergarten through 12th grade and excluding adult education. Data source is the School Report Card and Enrollment Audit files.


College Enrollment Rate

This metric shows the percent of high school graduates from two prior years ago who entered a postsecondary institution within 12 months of graduating. Data source is the DC school report card on OSSE’s website.


Suspension Rates

This metric shows the percentage of students who receive an in-school or out-of-school suspension issued by schools as published on the report card. Given the unique, remote nature of the last quarter of 2019-20 and the entire 2020-21 school year, OSSE did not collect and publish suspension data.


Bullying Rates

This metric shows the percent of students who were the victim of a serious incident of bullying as reported by schools and published on the report card. Given the unique, remote nature of the last quarter of 2019-20 and the entire 2020-21 school year, OSSE did not collect and publish bullying data.