Our research and predictive analytics at the system, school, and classroom levels highlight bright spots and offer nuanced examinations of complex education questions.


High-quality education research informs measures of success, provides frameworks for improvement, and confirms evidence of what works. Our unique blend of scientific research expertise, predictive analytics savviness, and on-the-ground relationships in schools allows us to combine robust quantitative and qualitative data to effectively tease out and communicate what strategies improve outcomes for students.


Community members and school leaders must use the information they have to make tough decisions in hopes of maximizing limited resources available. Too often, they rely on second-hand information, research of small sample sizes, data collected with limited validity and reliability, or results that do not match their school’s context and population served.

EmpowerK12 seeks to change that dynamic. We partner with community leaders, education organizations, and schools to create research agendas that are responsive to current challenges and build collaborative networks to share data and find bright spots that solve common problems.

Data Dashboards

When robust, accurate data is accessible to all education stakeholders, we can make better decisions about the strategies to improve student outcomes. The STAR Framework and PARCC dashboards visualize data across multiple sources all rooted in equity.

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Learn how we work with policymakers, system leaders, school leaders, educators, students, and families to boldly accelerate learning.