Our analysis of local and national educational data and policy trends.
Influence of Demographic Factors on STAR Scores by Framework
Obligatory warning: This blog post is written for the eduData wonk audience. We examine in-depth the relationship between demographic factors and STAR scores. The post is super heavy on statistics and data science.
Did STAR Ratings Impact DC Lottery School Choices This Year?
This past December, OSSE released the new common DC School Report Card with STAR scores and ratings for every school and subgroup within the school. Then, in February, parents finalized their school preferences for the SY2019-20 school year. We analyzed the newly released MySchoolDC waitlist data for next year, comparing it to historical data as well as other school factors included on the new report card, to find out whether the new rating system impacted school choice on a broad level.
What if growth mattered even more on STAR? And demographics less?
This data-heavy, wonk-tastic blog examines how school 2018 STAR scores would change based on various models utilizing different metric and subgroup weightings.