Our bold approach to data and school improvement.
Improvement Networks
We train educators on implementing rapid improvement science cycles to balance their art of teaching with the science of education. Then, we bring them together to learn what works.
Strategic Analysis
Our research and predictive analytics at the system, school, and classroom levels highlight bright spots and dig deep into the root causes behind their success.
Data for Improvement
Our team of former teachers utilizes its technical data chops to bring together data into interactive dashboards that empower educators to more accurately determine which of their intervention choices make the most difference.
Our research and predictive analytics at the system, school, and classroom levels highlight bright spots and offer nuanced examinations of complex education questions.
High-quality education research informs measures of success, provides frameworks for improvement, and confirms evidence of what works. Our unique blend of scientific research expertise, predictive analytics savviness, and on-the-ground relationships in schools allows us to combine robust quantitative and qualitative data to effectively tease out and communicate what strategies improve outcomes for students.
Want to embark on a data-driven continuous improvement journey at your school?
Have a challenge that needs to be strategically analyzed and researched?
Contact us, and let’s bend learning curves to new heights!
(202) 715-3534