• Trusted Data Tools + Training

    Our Bold Improvement Portal is a ground-breaking data dashboard that helps educators make better decisions earlier to support priority students. What differentiates EK12 is our training and support to help teachers and leaders turn insights into transformational action that improves student outcomes.

  • 2024 DC Bold Performance Schools

    Introducing 12 schools that break stereotypes and build school communities that exceed expectations and drive incredible outcomes for priority student groups!

  • DC Data Hub Drives Impact

    The DC Data Hub is EK12’s new collaborative, differentiated service for LEAs, starting in school year 24-25. Members, depending on service level, receive access to data tools, training, and bright spot sharing that saves staff time and empowers schools to move the needle forward for all students.

  • Math Bright Spots Report

    Our 2024 math report focuses on the strategies utilized by DCPS and DC public charter schools with the largest math growth by grade band. This work was done in collaboration with the new DC Math Hub Initiative, facilitated by EK12 staff.

Data dashboards built by educators with equity in mind.

EK12’s Bold Improvement Portal brings together all your most important data into intuitive, accessible dashboards, giving educators a trusted, actionable view of the whole child, including student academic and social-emotional wellbeing.

Predictive analytics

The Portal provides early success and warning insights that empower educators to identify patterns, proactively address student needs, and reliably measure their strategies' real-time impact to improve student learning outcomes.

Equity emphasized

For every important student and staff metric, quickly see how priority student and staff groups perform. We offer dashboards that provide important context by comparing your schools’ performance with schools serving similar student demographics and grade levels.


Educators can create bookmarks and favorite reports to see data views that matter most to them. EK12 also offers district leaders the ability to view school performance within local and state accountability frameworks.

Knowledge and Experience

The EK12 team combines extensive data knowledge with real-world education experience, so you can trust that we will work to ensure your data-driven strategy resonates and delivers results!

“We rely on our EK12 attendance dashboards weekly to ensure our attendance rates are what we're striving for them to be, and especially keeping our arm around chronic absenteeism. Using the dashboard has helped us see trends in data and be far more responsive in a way that we historically have not been able to be.”

Dr. Tracy White, Chief Executive Officer at Paul Public Charter School

Data for bold schools, bold teachers, and bold outcomes

EmpowerK12’s data tools and training transform qualitative and quantitative data in education into intuitive, accessible dashboards, giving educators a view of the whole child, including student academic and social-emotional wellbeing. Combining proven scientific research with robust and reliable analytics, our portal provides early success and warning insights, empowering educators to identify patterns, proactively address student needs, and measure their strategies' real-time impact to improve student learning outcomes.

Proven Results

Our partnerships with LEAs have consistently yielded measurable improvements in student achievement compared with similar districts. In 2023-24, EK12 partners at the Optimize or Transform level of services outperformed similar districts on their state assessments in both achievement and improvement from the prior year, in both math and reading and for nearly every student group.

DC Data Hub

In the District of Columbia, EK12 facilitates a cooperative network of more than thirty traditional and public charter school districts that collaborate together by sharing data and best practices at bright spots. The DC Data Hub provides a structured, safe space for educators to share insights and strategies, making data analysis in education more accessible and effective in their daily work.

Interested in learning more about this catalytic network and how EK12 can empower your region to work better together with data? Click the button below to learn more.

About EmpowerK12

EmpowerK12 (EK12) puts the power of data where it’s most needed–into the hands of educators. We make data analysis for teachers easy to understand and actionable so schools and LEAs can make informed decisions to help students thrive.

Let’s Start a Conversation

When you’re ready to begin your data-driven journey, we’re here to help you turn insight into action. Contact us today to be connected with our team and get started.
